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Students of Zen Human Design can take diploma examinations at three points during their progress through the education steps. Each level's examination tests the student's comprehension of the material presented in the previous steps and is a great learning opportunity as it triggers valuable feedback.

Upon passing the student is issued a printable diploma and a badge to place on his or her website that links back to Zen Human Design's public list of the diplomas it has issued. A listing on that page is voluntary.

A diploma is simply the acknowledgement of acquired knowledge and entails no commitments.





steps 1, 2

Level 1



At this level, you have a very good understanding of the fundamental mechanics of your own chart and those of people close to you. What you know is totally applicable and very helpful in sorting out what’s going on in your life and your relationships and therefore you can even be of valuable assistance to those close to you.


steps 3, 4

Level 2



At this level, wth the addition of gates and channels to your understanding, you are capable to confidently explore first and foremost your own chart and venture into competent analysis of clients, if that's what you're aiming for.


steps 5, 6, 7

Level 3



This will add some sophistication to enable you to include transits and relationships in your arsenal.


steps 8, 9, 10 are not mandatory

Level 4



The Zen Human Design Associate is still just a concept in development. While levels 1 to 3 require no commitment, this level would. By invitation, based on our mutual experience through the 3 diploma levels.


Zen Human Design Diploma sample

Passing students receive a printable diploma like the one above, plus a badge like the one below which can be placed on a webpage and links to the official listing of Zen Human Design diplomas.

Zen Human Design certification Zen Human Design Diploma level 2 Zen Human Design Diploma level 3




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